Dearest Sweethearts,
I was thinking to fully utilize my days. Since I would be working in the evening, I guess I might just have plenty of mornings to turn them out into something. It is the exam week anyways, so I don't have the trouble of preparing for my lesson at the time being.
Here is the plan, I would love to offer a morning discussion to start the day. Since many of my dearest sweethearts would be finishing their final exams this week and will be heading home then, we might just start our Morning Cuppa on the next Monday. Now you are going to know the feeling of having an online usrah, and a good way to practice in case you need to have one. heh.
Anyway guys, remember your task before heading home for holidays. I am thinking on having a discussion group of our own. Maybe I would start one so I can just post new memo on the programs during hols. Or maybe we might just discuss the very 1st jaulah of ours.
Well then, if you receive an email offering a yahoogroups, do click on the join/accept link and that's all for confirmation.
Wishing everyone the best for the exams. May Allah guides you and gives you the best the way that He thinks it is.
p/s: Well, I guess I won't be leaving you guys too soon after all. Let's occupy the hols with the goodness of Islam and ukhuwwah.
your sister.
I was thinking to fully utilize my days. Since I would be working in the evening, I guess I might just have plenty of mornings to turn them out into something. It is the exam week anyways, so I don't have the trouble of preparing for my lesson at the time being.
Here is the plan, I would love to offer a morning discussion to start the day. Since many of my dearest sweethearts would be finishing their final exams this week and will be heading home then, we might just start our Morning Cuppa on the next Monday. Now you are going to know the feeling of having an online usrah, and a good way to practice in case you need to have one. heh.
Anyway guys, remember your task before heading home for holidays. I am thinking on having a discussion group of our own. Maybe I would start one so I can just post new memo on the programs during hols. Or maybe we might just discuss the very 1st jaulah of ours.
Well then, if you receive an email offering a yahoogroups, do click on the join/accept link and that's all for confirmation.
Wishing everyone the best for the exams. May Allah guides you and gives you the best the way that He thinks it is.
p/s: Well, I guess I won't be leaving you guys too soon after all. Let's occupy the hols with the goodness of Islam and ukhuwwah.
your sister.
dapat posting mana?
bukan di pahang. hehe :)
ala, btau la katne!
somewhere like 6-7 km from my home sweet home.
rezeki kami tahun ni dapat sekolah dekat2 rumah je..
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